Saved the men children

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Exodus 1:17 “But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.”

Many of our struggles in the world are linked, somehow, to the fear of men rather than God. This is especially true when we are called upon to sacrifice our standing in society – or even our lives – to do what is right.

These women understood what they were doing. They had been commanded by the highest authorities to kill children. The order was disgusting enough to cause anyone to rebel, even in the face of danger and death. Still, these women did not act based upon a general sense of decency or natural instinct. They made their choice because they feared God.

We sometimes choose to do something other than God’s will for fear of earthly difficulties. If the acts in this verse were discovered, harsh consequences were almost guaranteed. Obedience also offers guarantees, but they may not be fulfilled until far into the future. In this case, many years later when Israel was delivered from bondage.

What wonderful plans does our Lord have in mind for our obedience? We may never know if we choose to fear men.

Exodus 1:17 “But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.”