Download Thy strength is small
Proverbs 24:10 “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”
Those who fall down or give up under pressure are often given a pass these days. It seems we have become too anxious to make an excuse for those who take the easy way out. Perhaps this is because we are all looking for a way to be relieved of responsibility? If we recognize their weakness, we recognize our own.
Whatever the case, this verse leads us to believe that the strong person holds their ground in trials. Those who are mighty in character are ready and able to face adversity, trusting in the One who grants grace for every moment.
We must understand that the storms of life are either upon us or just around the corner, holding tight to Jesus, who is able to calm them or help us endure. If we fail during these tests, let us be honest and admit we are lacking strength – then prepare for the next, building confidence in Jesus.
There can be no shame in lacking strength if we rely on our Mighty Savior. In His grace and mercy He uses even our weakness to glorify himself.
Proverbs 24:10 “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”