Double minded man

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James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

We have all endured moments of double mindedness. It is a hard thing to admit that God and things of this world have held a competing place in our lives – but it happens. Thinking about it a little more deeply reveals how silly it really is. The very God of the universe should have no competitor, especially in the life of a committed believer.

Perhaps the next time we have it in mind to consider the worldly way instead of God’s path we should realize what we are doing. We are falsely believing that something or someone else is better or can provide something better for us. The Bible and a myriad of personal experiences declare this notion preposterous. We should reject the feeling of instability that comes when we consider going it alone and embrace the comfort of understanding that God cannot let us down.

The disciple of Christ must make reliance upon God a habit. We must get up in the morning and decide that today is a day of faith. If we are feeling a little bit shaky today, we should think about the ultimate reliability of our Lord. And understand that all other masters will certainly let us down.

James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”