Titus 3:14 “And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.”
The wording of this verse is intriguing. It seems to be a typical encouragement to good works for those within its context, and yet it adds the interesting term “for necessary uses.” This gives us the idea that good works are indispensable in the advance of God’s Great Commission. They seem to become important when those around us observe them, gathering that we have acted as a result of our commitment to Christ.
I wonder how often we have refused to act upon God’s prompting to do something good? Perhaps at those moments we have not recognized the importance of practical, daily activities in accomplishing spiritual goals.
Next time we consider resisting God’s call, we should remember this verse, and the indispensable usefulness of good works. We also may want to ask ourselves: how will the world know the character of our Savior if we fail to display it in our own lives? The fruit we bear as a result of our ongoing relationship with Him is helpful, useful, and serves a purpose in the plan of God.
Titus 3:14 “And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.”