None like unto thee

Psalm 86:8 “Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works.”

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True Christianity cannot be compared to the world’s religion. It is something utterly separate from all other invented paths to God.

Sometimes it is not just an invented path to the One True God, but an invented god: nothing in the world; a figment of the imagination.

Those who know Christ do not merely follow His teachings or learn of Him, they share His very righteousness and standing before God.

Our new birth places us in Christ and does not simply give us membership in an organization.

We are born again, made new creatures, passed from death unto life.

Let us not get wrapped up in comparing our philosophies with the religions of the world.

Let us instead embrace the supreme Creator, who is over all – and sent His only son to die in our place, a ransom for sin.

When we see Him and his work, as this verse clearly indicates, there will be no comparison.

Psalm 86:8 “Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works.”