Shall be for ever

Shall be for ever

The destruction of the world will come soon enough, according to Isaiah 51:6. But this text and audio devotional remind us to look with hope to eternity.

Darkness for light

Darkness for light

Men often contradict God, calling evil good and good evil. This audio devotional from Isaiah 5:20 explains how we can do right with joy in their midst.

Reward of his hands

Reward of his hands

Men will have the reward of their doings according to Isaiah 3:10-11. This audio devotional reminds us that God deals righteously with men at all times.

I am the Lord

I am the Lord

This Exodus 29:46 audio devotional talks about the rules and rituals that were in place for priests in this era. And how obedience pointed to the Lord.

Hate evil

Hate evil

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil" is the way Psalm 97:10 begins. We focus on hatred for evil in this audio devotional and take a closer look.