Daily Audio Devotionals
90-second messages highlighting Biblical principles and pointing listeners to Jesus Christ
Listeners can hear these devotionals at 7:45 am and 3:45 pm on weekdays and at 7:45 am, 3:45 pm, and 7:45 pm on weekends. Listen at 88.1 FM on Guam or globally at khmg.org.
Transcripts and original Guam images included
From the hand of God
God gave us the mind, hands, and strength to work. This audio devotional from Ecclesiastes 2:24 encourages us to remember that He is the great provider.
Among all nations
Jesus, appearing before His disciples, after His resurrection, explains their future ministry on His behalf. This audio devotional is based on Luke 24:46-47.
He is not here
Angels confirm the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Luke 24:5-6. This audio devotional focuses on the events surrounding the discovery of His empty tomb.
Remember me
A thief on the cross next to Jesus asked that He remember him when He came into His kingdom. This audio devotional examines the request from Luke 23:42-43.
Not my will
The sins of the world - our sins - would be placed upon Jesus. This audio devotional from Luke 22:41-42 is about his prayer "not my will, but thine, be done."
I am ready
Peter expresses his willingness to go to prison and death for Jesus in Luke 22:33-34. This audio devotional takes a closer look his story and its application.
This poor widow
Jesus watched those casting gifts into the treasury and noticed a woman giving two mites. She is the subject of this audio devotional from Luke 21:3-4.
I restore him
The story of Zacchaeus is featured in this audio devotional from Luke 19:7-8. Salvation came to his house, he was transformed, and began changing his ways.
He was very sorrowful
We meet a ruler in Luke 18:22-23 that asks Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life. This audio devotional is about the answer and his sorrow.