Daily Audio Devotionals
90-second messages highlighting Biblical principles and pointing listeners to Jesus Christ
Listeners can hear these devotionals at 7:45 am and 3:45 pm on weekdays and at 7:45 am, 3:45 pm, and 7:45 pm on weekends. Listen at 88.1 FM on Guam or globally at khmg.org.
Transcripts and original Guam images included
Saved the men children
The midwives mentioned in Exodus 1:17 chose to fear God rather than men. Their obedience is an example for us, which we highlight in this audio devotional.
I heard a voice
Paul gives his dramatic testimony in Acts 26:14-15. This audio devotional emphasizes the importance of our own testimony and urges us to proclaim it!
They could not prove
Accusations are made in this Acts 35:7 audio devotional. As with all organized oppression of Christianity, the evidence for its harm to the community is missing.
And bound themselves
Forty men wanted to see Paul's preaching stopped "and bound themselves" to kill him. This audio devotional from Acts 23:12-13 highlights their failure.
Kept back nothing
Paul describes his faithful, thorough, and effective ministry in Acts 20:20-21. This audio devotional encourages us to minister in the very same way.
Until midnight
The preaching in Acts 20:7 went on until midnight. This audio devotional is about developing the kind of commitment that will build appetite for the word.
Upon your own heads
"Upon your own heads" is an audio devotional based on Acts 18:5-6. It encourages us to preach the gospel at all times, but leave the results up to God.
Three sabbath days
Paul reasoned with the Jews from the scriptures for three sabbath days. His ministry among them is commended in this audio devotional from Acts 17:2-3.
And were forbidden
A strange thing happens in Acts 16:6-7; Paul is forbidden to preach in Asia and Bithynia. This audio devotional is about prayerful, deliberate preaching.