Jesus is worthy of more glory than Moses. This statement, and its significance, is the subject of this audio devotional from Hebrews 3:3-4.
Tag: Faithfulness
This series of audio devotionals is focused on the topic of faithfulness. We post new devotionals on every day.
The God of Israel
The God of Israel only does wondrous things. This audio devotional reminds us of this principle from Psalm 72:18 in the Old Testament.
The faithful fail
There are too few men of faith and far too often the faithful fail. This understanding is the focus of this Psalm 12:1-2 audio devotional.
His countenance
"His countenance" is an audio devotional based on Psalm 11:7. It is about God's love for righteousness and His view of our victory.
Truly the Lord
Truly the Lord had delivered the land. In this audio devotional, we find that God's character guarantees He will keep His promises.
Strong and very courageous
In this audio devotional we focus on the command to Joshua to be strong and very courageous. Why does he need these attributes?
Let us do good
Let us do good unto all men. That means doing something useful, pleasant, excellent, or honorable. This is an audio devotional from Galatains 6:10.