For the brethren

For the brethren

This I John 3:16 audio devotional is about the love of God, the example of Christ, and the ways in which we can lay down our lives for the brethren.

He was wounded

He was wounded

Isaiah 53:5 is referring to one person. The only person that ever died in our place and for our sins. Jesus is the focus of this text and audio devotional.

Not my will

Not my will

The sins of the world - our sins - would be placed upon Jesus. This audio devotional from Luke 22:41-42 is about his prayer "not my will, but thine, be done."

This poor widow

This poor widow

Jesus watched those casting gifts into the treasury and noticed a woman giving two mites. She is the subject of this audio devotional from Luke 21:3-4.

He did once

He did once

The pattern of sacrifice repeated in the Old Testament, he did once. Jesus is the focus of Hebrews 7:27 and this audio devotional.