I am glad

I am glad

Paul says "I am glad" you are obedient in Romans 16:19, but calls the Roman church to something higher in this audio devotional.

Bring them out

Bring them out

"Bring them out" is an audio devotional from Genesis 19:4-5. It reveals a lack of understanding of God's power and provision in Lot's life.

Toward Sodom

Toward Sodom

When Genesis 13:12 records that Lot "pitched his tent toward Sodom," it tells us something about Lot. Listen to this audio devotional for more.

Cain rose up

Cain rose up

Cain was very wroth when his sacrifice was not accepted. He rose up and slew Abel. This audio devotional focuses on the story in Genesis 4:8.

Coats of skins

Coats of skins

God gave Adam and Eve coats of skins to cover themselves. This sacrifice is outlined in Genesis 3:21 and the subject of this audio devotional.

In the beginning

In the beginning

In the beginning God created everything. The Bible teaches creation starting here in Genesis 1:1-2. This audio devotional focuses on that passage.