Take good heed

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Joshua 23:11 “Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the LORD your God.”

Joshua is at the end of his life in this passage. He is speaking to the people of Israel, their elders, judges, and officers. Within his recap of God’s faithfulness and deliverance here, he adds a piece of advice for the people.

The idea is to be very careful to love God. Don’t allow yourself to love anything or anyone more. Put Him in the proper place in your life. Be mindful to continue loving Him day by day. Two verses earlier he tells them to cling to God, just as they had done on their journey.

The challenges of everyday life, it seems, would be no less daunting than their perilous journey into the promised land. In fact, the enemies in Israel’s future were more subtle than those they faced previously. They were the false gods, the false ideas, and the false worship of those in and around their land.

The obstacles of their entrance, like armies and walled cities, had been replaced by the less obvious dangers of complacency and conformity. It was a timely reminder for the people. Be careful to love God and walk with Him closely every day.

Joshua 23:11 “Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the LORD your God.”