The first commandment

The first commandment

Jesus answers a question about the first commandment in Mark 12:30-31. We discuss the first and second and why they are no burden in this audio devotional.

If a man say

If a man say

This I John 4:20 audio devotional tells us we can claim to love God, while exactly the opposite is true. If we say we love God, we must love our brothers.

Love is of God

Love is of God

This audio devotional from from I John 4:7 is all about love. The passage tells us love is of God and we examine what this means for believers in Christ.

The sons of God

The sons of God

This audio devotional from I John 3:1 focuses on the love of God, the way it blesses every believer, and the challenges that may come when we embrace it.

Not worthy of me

Not worthy of me

If you love father and mother more than me, Jesus says in Matthew 10:37, you are not worthy of me. We look closer at that idea in this audio devotional.

Love your enemies

Love your enemies

Jesus tells His disciples "love your enemies" in Matthew 5:43-44. This audio devotional explains how a person can go about doing such an impossible task.

And they smote him

And they smote him

The sinless Savior placed Himself, willingly, in the hands of men who would punish Him as though He were a criminal. This John 19:1-3 devotional explains.

Shall all men know

Shall all men know

When we have the kind of love Jesus talks about in John 13:34-35, we resemble Him. As this audio devotional explains, it is a love the world notices.