Time would fail me

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Hebrews 11:32 “And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:”

This chapter outlines for us the names and stories of many Old Testament saints that lived by faith. They are an example to us, both revealing our need for faith and proving most certainly that a walk of faith is possible. This list is only the beginning. Our “great cloud of witnesses” are far too many to list in one book of the Bible alone.

Hebrews goes on to describe their great victory in battles, their obedience through hardship, and their escape from persecution. The most lengthy description, however, is of their endurance through persecution. Mocking, scourging, imprisonment, stoning, and death are among the many things they faced – all as a result of their faith.

We know not what we may encounter as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. But we know that all over the world our brothers and sisters suffer for Him. These testimonies are a help to them, and a help to us perhaps, in what we may face for Him.

Hebrews 11:32 “And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:”