Preach the word

Preach the word

In II Timothy 4:2, Paul told Timothy to preach the word. This audio devotional describes how each disciple should be prepared for speaking as God directs.

Sound words

Sound words

This audio devotional from II Timothy 1:13-14 focuses on a challenge Paul gave Timothy. What did he mean when he told him to "hold fast" to "sound words?"

Teach all nations

Teach all nations

We are commanded to teach all nations in Matthew 28:19-20. We discuss making this commission from Jesus one of our priorities in this audio devotional.

For he is risen

For he is risen

Jesus is not in the tomb we find in Matthew 28:5-6. He is not there, an angel says, for He is risen. This audio devotional focuses on Jesus' resurrection.

They led him away

They led him away

In Matthew 27:1-2 the chief priests and elders bound Jesus and led Him away. This audio devotional is about His will endurance of injustice for our sake.