The part of a kinsman

The part of a kinsman

Ruth has a closer kinsman than Boaz. If he will not have her, Boaz will do the part of a kinsman to her. We discuss the situation in this audio devotional.

She might return

She might return

Naomi, currently in Moab, determines that she might return to Judah in Ruth 1:6. We will discuss the circumstances of her return in this audio devotional.

Not worthy of me

Not worthy of me

If you love father and mother more than me, Jesus says in Matthew 10:37, you are not worthy of me. We look closer at that idea in this audio devotional.

I am ready

I am ready

Peter expresses his willingness to go to prison and death for Jesus in Luke 22:33-34. This audio devotional takes a closer look his story and its application.

He cannot be

He cannot be

This audio devotional from Luke 14:26 says our love for and commitment to Jesus should be so great that our love for family seems like hate by comparison.