Where wast thou?

Where wast thou?

In Job 38:4-5, God asks "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?" This audio devotional is about Job recognizing his place in the world.

Male and female

Male and female

God made male and female. And He made marriage, according to Matthew 19:4-5. This is an audio devotional about His authoritative voice in all creation.

Received him not

Received him not

These verses outline the rejection of the Creator by His creation. In this audio devotional, we are encouraged to instead embrace Him as the only Savior.

In six days

In six days

This audio devotional is from Exodus 20:11, which is perhaps the most well-known passage, outside the Genesis account itself, affirming a six day creation.

And he rested

And he rested

God finished His creation and he rested. This audio devotional emphasizes rest, its spiritual benefits, and God's example from Genesis 2:1-2.

In the beginning

In the beginning

In the beginning God created everything. The Bible teaches creation starting here in Genesis 1:1-2. This audio devotional focuses on that passage.