No darkness at all

No darkness at all

This audio devotional from I John 1:5-6 describes God's light and the problem of declaring our fellowship with Him, while continuing to walk in darkness.

Light of the world

Light of the world

"Ye are the light of the world," says Matthew 5:14-15. This audio devotional is about disciples of Christ putting ourselves in a position to reach others.

By reason of him

By reason of him

The story of Lazarus being raised from the dead is making an impact in John 12:10-11. This audio devotional explains the circumstances in more detail.

Come, see a man

Come, see a man

The woman we find in John 4:28-29 has come face to face with Jesus. This audio devotional details her words and actions following the encounter.

On a candlestick

On a candlestick

This audio devotional from Luke 11:33 is focused on light. Light is likely to expose the reality within a given space. But it will also do much good.