Tell him his fault

Tell him his fault

If a brother sins against you, tell him his fault. This statement in Matthew 18:15 is the subject of our audio devotional. Why might this be tricky for us?

We all do fade

We all do fade

We are assured in Isaiah 64:6 that we all do fade as a leaf. Death is a result of sin. This audio devotional tells us earthly righteousness won't solve it.

White as snow

White as snow

In this Isaiah 1:18 audio devotional, the people of Israel are offered forgiveness for sin. Isaiah makes it clear they are stained, but can be cleansed.

All thy wrath

All thy wrath

"All thy wrath" is an audio devotional based on Psalm 85:2-3. It is a wonderful feeling to know that we are forgiven and have peace with God.