Daily Audio Devotionals
90-second messages highlighting Biblical principles and pointing listeners to Jesus Christ
Listeners can hear these devotionals at 7:45 am and 3:45 pm on weekdays and at 7:45 am, 3:45 pm, and 7:45 pm on weekends. Listen at 88.1 FM on Guam or globally at khmg.org.
Transcripts and original Guam images included
Better than themselves
Philippians 2:3-4 is a passage that urges us to consistently and sacrificially put others first. This audio devotional explores how that can unify us.
Striving together
This audio devotional from Philippians 1:27 encourages believers to live "as it becometh the gospel." This means a commitment to growing together in Him.
Unto the furtherance
Paul was willing to face desperate trial for the furtherance of the gospel. This point is made clearly in this audio devotional from Philippians 1:12.
Longsuffering to us-ward
II Peter 3:9 is about God's desire for all to repent and trust Him. This audio devotional expands on that concept and provides evidence for its truth.
Pollutions of the world
Returning to our sin after coming to know Christ is a sad and all too common problem. This audio devotional from II Peter 2:20 addresses this topic.
There shall be
This audio devotional from II Peter 2:1 warns against false teachers. We must know God's word, have a growing walk with Christ, and act with discernment.
As they were moved
II Peter 1:21 tells us that the Bible was written by men who spoke "as they were moved" by the Holy Spirit. This audio devotional is focused on that topic.
Hath given unto us
This audio devotional from II Peter 1:3 gives all who will put their faith in Christ hope to live victoriously. We have power and wisdom to live for God.
Stedfast in the faith
This I Peter 5:8-9 audio devotional reminds us about our enemy and our need to be vigilant. The devil is to be resisted, as we walk stedfast in the faith.